It is cold in California, like really really cold, below freezing! There was actually ice on the sidewalk the other morning. Now I know what you are thinking, but before you send money, warm blankets, video games, and Tang mix rest assured that we Californians are a hearty bunch. We are survivors.
Sorry for the delay in updates, but I am not going to promise to post more regularly.
Did you see that Beckham is going to play Soccer in the US! That is pretty exciting. I hope that it will increase American interest in soccer, but the US and Soccer are like oil and water.
I saw the knee surgeon yesterday. Things are going well, I just need to keep excersizing it, start going into the gym, and lose 20 lbs :)
I bought a road bike. It is a 2006 Specialized. It was a decent road bike, but not too expensive. It is last years model and it was on sale.
"When one looks into the abyss, the abyss looks into you."